Due to staffing and quality maintenance, we prefer to rent only complete packages (all the sets, props, or costumes for a show). We do not rent individual scenic units, costume pieces, or properties from complete packages. Some Individual items for rent are flagged in each category. We do not rent goods for non-theatrical events like costume parties, weddings etc. due to liability and safety of our packages.
Technical Requirements include but are not limited to:
Loading Dock: The capacity for offloading 1 or 2 trucks at a time; the dock should be industry standard height to allow for the back of the trailer to be at the same height as the loading dock. This will allow for even rolling of the large scenery carts and units without ramping or lifting to ground level.
Stage Access: Access doors to the back stage, receiving, or shop areas need to be open and unobstructed. Ideal dimensions should be 10’ wide by 10’ tall. Minimum measurements cannot be less than 8’ wide by 9’ tall.
Scenery carts and hard scenic units: MTWichita builds for a 2100 seat venue. Flattage is tall and wide. Scenery carts that contain flattage are 4’ wide by 8’6” tall by 16’ to 24’ long. They are unlikely able to travel down narrow hallways, around corners or upstairs.
Challenges will occur if the venue cannot roll these containers directly onto the back stage area in an unobstructed travel path.
We do separately rent scenic backdrops, which are usually 55 feet wide and 26 feet high. These can only be temporarily adjusted via MTWichita approved methods to minimize the chances of permanent damage occurring. Drops are folded in a specific manner, and we ask that you follow that procedure. If drops are returned improperly folded, the renting client will be charged a $50 per drop re-folding fee.
All costs associated with shipping the goods from our warehouse to your theatre, and then back to us, are your responsibility. You must arrange and pay for transportation, and those costs are not included in our rental fees. We are happy to make suggestions for the best possible transportation options. Using recommended transportation options will help reduce the chances of damage occurring during the trucking process which you may be held responsible for.
Basic rental pricing for show packages is based on the assumption you will need the goods for 7-10 days of rehearsal and technical work, and then an additional 7-10 days of performances (14-20 days total). Additional fees will be calculated for longer periods of time, or multiple venues.
An additional deposit fee is usually required, out of which will be deducted costs for scenic repair, costume cleaning, property damage, and/or drop repair and folding, post-rental. This also covers the crew members who load and unload the trucks at our warehouse.
Many MTW Rentals scenic packages also carry the requirement that one of our technical directors must travel to the renting theatre to oversee the pre-show set-up and the post-show pack-out of the materials. Transportation, salary, and per diem for this individual bring additional costs for the renting organization.
The renting company must carry sufficient insurance to cover the full replacement costs of goods being rented.