Aida (Elton John and Tim Rice's)
The first Broadway show produced by the Disney Company not based on an animated film, Aida spins an intoxicating romance which spans centuries, beginning at a modern-day museum of ancient culture, then flashing back to the mysterious romance of the Egyptian soldier Radames with the captured Nubian princess Aida. Songs by Elton John and Tim Rice imbue the show with a rock-and-roll flavor, which is reflected in the physical design of sets, costumes, props, and projections.
A shiny two-tiered unit set designed by Neil Patel for a National Tour, refurbished by MTWichita in 2015, allows elegantly seamless staging for the show, constantly augmented by supplemental scenic pieces and ever-changing projections on the upper level. Locations begin in a modern-day historical museum, then sail through various interior and exterior locations throughout ancient Egypt. Sleek and handsome, this easily installed set ideally reflects the free-flowing nature of this hit Broadway musical.
Built: 2015
Movement: Flying pieces / rolling units / on stage units actor motivated
Offstage space: Minimal
Number of Trucks: *2- 53’ air-ride
# Line sets used: 19- one married arbor
Groundrow: None
Portals: 2
Load-in crew: 8-carps / 2- elecs / 2-props
Load-in time: 10+ hours
Show crew: 2-carps / 2-elecs / 2-props
Fly crew: 2
*See Space requirements for Logistic Requirements
In a manner consistent with the original Broadway production, this colorful costume package runs a gamut of styles, combining elements of antiquity with rock ’n’ roll glam. There are billowing white uniforms for Egyptian soldiers, elegant robes for the nobility, an over-the-top fashion show for Princess Amneris and her women, and a large selection of Nubian peasant costumes, including one colorful robe for Aida.
Built: 2015
Supported cast: 7-principals / 12+ female / 12+male
Shipping: 3-wooden gondolas
Alterations: Some seam allowances
Principal size range: Female-small to med / male-athletic small to large
# Ensemble Bottoms: As per above counts
# Ensemble Tops: As per above counts
Shoes: None
Wigs: None
Built: 2015
Offstage space: Minimal
# of road boxes: 10-containers / some loose items
Furniture: Yes
Expendables: None
Specialty Items: Statues / merchant carts / shoe display cases
Individual items for rent: None
Built: 2015
# of drops: 6
Types of goods: 4-printed screens / 1-muslin sail / 1-velour drape
Size range: Specific to each item / velour is full stage